18 May, 2024

Study on how magic mushrooms affect the brain clears approvals with CRSC support Clinical and Translational Science Institute University of Minnesota

There is no guaranteed method for flushing mushrooms out of your system. However, like other types of mushrooms, it is possible to experience signs of toxicity from mushrooms. I believe shrooms have increased my baseline sense of gratitude and helped tame my desire to control things I cannot and should not (such as the behavior […]

4 mins read

How Long Does It Take to Gain Weight?

Not to mention the innovative flavors — who knew that birthday cake and sprinkle donuts could be transformed into protein bar form. Banana, avocado, healthy oils, baby cereal, and nut butters (once you get the OK from your doctor) are typically recommended high calorie foods for baby weight gain. There are times when our calorie […]

6 mins read